Our own bespoke swing jib structures are manufactured to order, they are made in-house by the Lifting Gear Direct team of highly experienced fabricators and engineers. Buying our products ensures your equipment is made from only quality materials, what's more you can choose from a range of customisation options including mounting which can be wall, steel or brick column or floor mounted. Our most popular floor mounted structures can be made to heights up to 5 metres and arm reach up to 5 metres. Safe working loads range from 125kg up to 3000kg and can be over braced for maximum beam use or under braced for maximum height of lift. Other options include hoist and trolley systems, catenary wire/festoon systems, built in isolator boxes, rotational limiters and more. So configure and buy your custom built structure from UK specialists today.
Staying true to our reputation, we only supply our own and the most recognised brand names in the industry.
This includes well known manufacturers, so you can rest assured that the quality on offer is second to none. Another benefit of going for a respected brand is that the structures are built to industry standards and should be compatible with a range of attachments. No matter the lifting task you want to accomplish, our structures can get it done quickly and with minimal fuss. If a swing Jib is not the type of structure you are looking for then head over to our main crane & gantry systems page to see the other types of systems and structures we offer.
Custom Jib Crane Enquiry Form£1,733.08
125kg Under Braced Swing Jib Benefits Buying an under braced swing Jib from Lif..
Benefits of our 250kg Under Braced Swing Jib There are lots of reasons to inves..
500kg Under Braced Swing Jib Capabilities As well as these under braced jibs we..
About the 1000kg Swing Jib with Under Bracing If you need optimal lifting heigh..
Whatever your desired specifications, we can adapt the design and build a ..
We can customise this crane with optional features, build it and install it on-s..
Benefits of our 125kg Over Braced Swing Jib Crane This crane is just one of a n..
Floor and column mounting are available with arm radii up to 5 metres and wall m..
500kg Over Braced Jib Crane - Key Features 500kg SWL over braced jib crane S..
This particular model has a safe working load of 1000kg, so you can easily..
Quick Overview of the 2000kg Swing Jib Crane Over braced for maximum un..
3000kg Over Braced Swing Jib Features This crane can be floor or column mounted..
A Jib system is a steel framework with an arm or boom that can rotate. This steel beam of this boom enables the attachment of a beam trolley which can be moved along the length of the arm. Some type of lifting hoist is then anchored to the trolley to do the lifting.
With this type of set up loads can be lifted, moved to any position along the arm and rotated within the radius allowed by the structure. Thus a load can be quickly and easily lifted, moved and set down within a specific area.
Basically it is a much safer and quicker way to lift and move loads, placing no strain on the human skeleton, and so no injuries, also the system can lift capacities that no human could, so it is also cost effective. You will usually find swing structures in most industrial settings and also dockyards and warehouses for loading and unloading in specific areas. The construction industry also use these systems as do car garages for lifting and lowering heavy engines.
At Lifting Gear Direct we manufacture and sell Swing systems as well as many other different types of structures. Our own range is packed with options for customers with diverse needs. A Jib is a type of system to which a hoisting device is usually fixed to aid in the lifting and lowering and moving of heavy objects within a specific work area. They are typically fixed to the floor but can be fitted to a wall or structural column providing they are structurally sound and capable of withstanding the loads to be lifted. (An independent assessment may need to be made to clarify this).
We can build custom swing structures to the exact specifications you provide. We can also install, test, inspect and repair these structures to give you peace of mind throughout each model’s life cycle. Here is a brief overview of the different types of lifting systems to help you get started. Or just click through to the product pages for in-depth details on each type.
This type of craning system comes in a variety of
formats. Each type can be over or under braced.
Floor Mounted; The most popular is the floor mounted option where the upright, supporting pillar or column is fixed to the floor. These can handle the heaviest loads.
Wall Mounted; A wall mounted structure consists of a rotating arm that is bolted directly to a wall.
Column Mounted; A column mounted swing structure uses a strapping system to fix the rotating boom to an existing structural column within the building structure which could be brick or steel.
For many companies who require lifting equipment, it can be very daunting to find the right equipment for your needs. Nowhere is this truer than with these systems. A They are a great economical solution for transporting materials from one work area to another within its swing radius.
Here are some of the top factors to consider when choosing a suitable option for your application.
The first consideration is the amount of weight that is required to be lifted. The maximum weight of this application including the load and equipment should never exceed the maximum lifting capacity of the structure. This may seem pretty obvious but can be something which is so obvious that it is overlooked when people first contact us. The mounting of the structures can also play a crucial part. The floor, wall or column (steel or brick) must be capable of handling not only the weight of the structures together with the load but also the forces implied on the structure as the crane and load move.
In general you should always size up, for example if your load and equipment weigh around 800kg, then a 1000kg structure would suffice; however should the load and equipment weigh rather close to the 1000kg, although it will be up to the task (as long as it is absolutely not over this) you would be better to go up a size to the 2000kg capacity to err on the side of caution. Never guestimate weights!
With this type of structure the rotatable boom will require some form of brace to provide optimum strength. Some designs feature an under brace and some an overbrace in order to increase the strength of the arm and improve stability and reliability. It is important to consider the options as both types have pro's and con's.
With an over braced configuration the bracing can extend all the way to the end of the arm. The main benefit of this is that it gives you a completely unobstructed area directly below the beam, enabling full use of the boom length. Due to the bracing being above the structure arm the maximum height of lift won't be as high as a same spec under braced system.
An under braced swing system on the other hand will be slightly restricted in terms of the distance that the beam trolley and hoist can travel along the boom. However you get more lifting height with this set up as it can go nearly as high as the ceiling.
The Jib Boom outreach is the distance measured
from the boom
pivot point to the end – this is usually defined
as two measurements:
A jib with a larger outreach means that the structure can
cover a much larger area within your premises which
could be for productivity
and economic reasons.
Boom Rotation refers to how much the structure arm
can be
slewed or rotated around. Wall mounted cranes offer 180
degree rotation or
alternatively a floor mounted swing structure which
allows up to 360degree rotation.
When deciding which one to use it is worth looking
at the
layout of your premises to see where your structure can be
placed both from a
practical perspective and also from a
productive perspective e.g. would a wall
mounted structures be the best
option or could you facilitate two production lines with
a 360
degree structure to easily move materials from one area to the other?
Whatever the size of your premises, investing in a quality crane can increase productivity while actively promoting good health and safety for your employees. The manual lifting of heavy objects will take its toll on staff. With one of these systems, this will no longer be a problem. Instead you will be able to move equipment, components and goods without taking any risks or risking physical issues arising further down the line.
When deciding on the best type of structure to suit your needs there are a number of things to take into consideration.
First and foremost think about where you need the structure and ask yourself; is there enough space for fixing and rotation? Are there any obstacles which could hinder movement? Is there a power supply close by if you need powered equipment?
Lifting Capacity
Next you should think about the type and weight of the loads you are intending to lift.
Our floor mounted structures can handle loads up to a maximum 3000kg.
Wall mounted options have a maximum 500kg capacity and column mounted types have a maximum 1000kg capacity.
Bear in mind the safe working load lifting capacity chosen will have a bearing on the maximum height and span you can choose. See the individual lifting capacity product pages for specific details for each. For example if you you need a floor mounted over braced with 5x5 metre dimensions then the max. lifting capacity possible will be 1000kg, above this the maximum dimensions will be 4x4 metres.
Secondly you should consider the type, floor, wall or column mounted! It is imperative to ensure that the structure or foundations where the structure is to be fitted are structurally sound and able to withstand the weight of the structure, load and the forces that will be implied during the lifting operation. A structural engineer may need to be consulted.
There are two key dimensions to consider here; the height and the reach.
You need to know the maximum height the structure can be in order to fit its intended location; also ensure you find out the maximum under beam lifting height meets your requirements. The span or reach or the arm/boom is another important consideration.
Floor mounted structures can be up to a maximum 5 metre high (under beam) by 5 metre span depending on the lifting capacity. Wall mounted options can have a reach up to 4 metres and column mounted up to 5 metres, again depending on the lifting capacity chosen.
Power Requirements
You will also need to consider how you will power
your system
crane accessories if required, and the costs involved
with this e.g. how much power will it consume? Also,
from which
mode will the power be supplied to the system – from the bottom
the top?
Weather Protection
An extra consideration if your product is to be
outdoors is whether any mechanical or electrical components
need to be
protected from the effects of the weather.
Lifting Gear Direct can manufacture a custom Swing structure according to your requirements. Taking into account the above considerations choose your ideal lifting capacity, type, size and bracing. Then you can choose from a range of optional add-ons to fully customise your product so that your operation goes as efficiently as possible.
Options include festoons and catenary systems for holding power cables away from moving parts. Isolator switches or knockout boxes are another safeguard so that any powered devices can have the power supply cut at the touch of a button should the need ever arise.
Supplementary equipment such as beam trolleys and hoisting equipment can also be supplied and installed together with your crane by our team of engineers. Popular choices include a power drive travel trolley and electric hoist like our electric hoist with integrated trolley combo; or a push travel trolley and chain block, we have a great choice at the best prices so look no further for your fully customized product set up.
There are a number of things to take into account when using swing cranes in a busy commercial environment. Even if you have invested in high quality equipment available from Lifting Gear Direct and used our inspection services, your daily operations need to be carried out according to government guidelines to minimise the risks of accidents and injuries occurring.
The way that swing systems work means that heavy loads can move horizontally and vertically through the arc of the beam’s travel. This area of movement must always be kept clear of obstacles and people. If loads are not properly secured, they could fall and create a serious hazard for equipment operators as well as other side users.
Proper maintenance routines will also mean that lifting accessories you use along with your swing structures can be kept in a serviceable condition. Complications caused by wear and tear, corrosion and other types of damage will boost the risks that employees face. Don't forget that all lifting equipment needs a thorough inspection according to LOLER for certification that the lifting gear is safe to use. You should also follow the approved code of practice set out by the HSE for the safe use of lifting equipment.
Lifting Gear Direct offers complete testing and inspection services for all your lifting equipment, which should be carried out on a 6-12 month basis to comply with LOLER thorough inspections regulations. Meanwhile here are some guidelines which will help to self-inspect your structures in between your regular contracted servicing; a visual check should be done prior to each use to check for defects which may affect the safety of the system; we have also listed the main points for using your product safely.
Regularly inspect the structure for; ANY DAMAGE; CRACKED OR DISTORTED WELDS; STRUCTURAL DEFECTS; MISSING OR LOOSE BOLTS; MISSING OR DAMAGED END STOPS; DIFFICULTY IN MOVING THE BEAM TROLLEY OR SLEWING THE ARM; THE TROLLEY OR JIB ARM MOVE ON THEIR OWN; If any of these are detected or suspected then you should not use the structure until it has been thoroughly examined by a trained professional.
Browse our full selection of strucrures above for full technical details and call our team on 01384 76961 to discuss any particularly specific requirements. Remember to view our other lifting equipment to compliment your product. You can also contact us through our website and we will get back to you via email. No matter what you need to know, from product info to a quote for the services we offer, our team will help you out as soon as possible.
The are essentially a steel framework with a rotating arm or boom where a lifting hoist is fitted on a trolley in order to lift and move loads within the arc range of the arm.
These systems can be either floor, wall or column mounted. Wall and column mounted options have lower lifting capabilities than a floor mounted one.
We manufacture our own, custom built systems which are made to order to suit your requirements and installation options are available. We also supply products from Demag and Donati all at great prices.
125kg up to 3000kg options are available for floor mounted swing structures, Wall mounted options range from 125kg up to 500kg and column mounted to a suitable structure range from 125kg up to 1000kg.
This will depend on your lifting requirements as well as the position in which it will be fitted. An under braced structure has the supporting beam under the structures arm, this means it can go right up to the roof giving you the maximum possible height of lift and maximum lifting capacities. An over braced system has the bracing support over the top of the arm so can't lift quite as high however the full length of the jib arm can be used, unlike underbracing which restrict movement along the beam although minimally.